I'll let you into a little secret: The photograph is actually taken in Wales, that's Snowdonia in the background. I hope that The Scotsman didn't get anybody complaining or even noticing it! It rained all the time we were in Scotland, so there just was not a good enough picture suitable for a front cover.
We spent a week filming for this particular episode, and were knackered as we had been climbing all week. We walked to this viewpoint after climbing Tryfan, one of the hardest climbs I have ever done (Tryfan is the mountain that Hilary and the rest of the Everest team practised on, we climbed it with one of the original members of the team, George Band who was in his 70's and fitter than all of us!) . I must say that Griff was an incredibly fit person, after climbing all day we would get back to the hotel, and collapse in the bar except Griff who would be off for his daily run!
I also got the cover of the book from a shot taken half way up Tryfan, it's a shame the sky was so flat, but there you go...

I was very jealous that I was not involved in the new series about Rivers because I had so much fun filming on the Mountain shoots. I must highlight an excellent photograph taken by a good friend of mine, Paul Cornwell, which made the cover of the 'Rivers' book, as it's much nicer than mine!! :

Driving back to the hotel one night we managed to stop and film an amazing sunset of Snowdonia, which really was awe inspiring ...

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