This was a 'specials shoot' for Desparados, which was later named "The Invisibles". It was set in Cornwall, but shot here in Northern Ireland. I remember we did the shoot late on a Friday evening in Portaferry. I got there in the afternoon to start rigging a portable studio in a room in the hostel they were filming in. Time was very tight as they were still shooting a major exterior scene with a car exploding, and we were having to grab the actors when we could, which is very normal on a film shoot.
I had been given a comprehensive brief from the BBC, and this was one of the key shots. Again photoshop was involved and we shot the safe and jewels separately. I lit the shot from below to give that glow effect, and got the boys to look at a point on the top of the lens so they ahd the same eyeline. Back light was blue to give a night-time feel.
Have to say that both Warren and Tony were a pleasure to photograph, they got on so well they were always laughing and messing around, it was hard to get them to concentrate on the photos. Very stressful shoot, waiting for them to be released from filming out side as we also had a lot of costume changes and other set ups to do on the same night. The small inset shot was also done on the same night, I had an amazing sunset over Strangford Lough, which I ran out to photograph and then we photographed Tony with his real life daughter Emily Head (lovely and now in the excellent "Inbetweeners" on CH4) and Jenny Agutter (I'm huge fan of Logan's Run). Stills from the program can be seen on my website : Belfast Photographer Steffan Hill
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