This was shot earlier this year in Dublin. I had not done any of the unit stills and was called in to shoot the main publicity specials. It's always strange turning up on set for a day when no one knows you, however , luckily I saw a few familiar faces, and had actually photographed Lee before when he did Fairy Tales here in Belfast.
This was an incredibly stressful shoot, it was at the end of their filming schedule, in a freezing cold Dublin, and they had not allowed any set time for the photographs... nothing new there.
I was shown a location away from set as a possible place to take the photos, but considering that it was on an open road and the houses all had modern cars parked in front of them (the show is set in the sixties) I politely declined, and insisted that we do them on set.
After waiting on standby for a few hours I was given, oh, about 10 minutes to get the shot, helped of course by members of the crew casually walking into my background. See that's the problem with crew's, it's a very tight nit community, and if they don't know you, they really don't give a damn. However, I have to say, the opposite is of course true if they do know you and you've been involved with shooting from the start, then they can be really helpful, especially Gaffers!
Well we got the shots done in the end and the BBC were very happy with them so I guess that's what counts...

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